Patient Information

You will have come to hear about this registry from your surgeon because you have a condition, that with your consent, some details about you and your surgery will be entered and stored on a database and you will be contacted on occasions after surgery for a period of 5 years. Our contact with you will be kept to a minimum and very limited, about once a year. Your healthcare problem might be acid reflux, a Hiatus Hernia or a condition called Achalasia.

The National Hiatal Surgical Registry exists to define, improve and maintain the quality of care for you when receiving surgical treatment for your condition in the NHS or the Independent Healthcare Sector. Hiatal surgical procedures are commonly performed and are highly successful operations that bring many patients great relief from their symptoms. The registry helps ensure this is the case for all patients currently and the future.

How does the NHSR benefit you the patient?

The NHSR helps:

About the information and how it is used

In order for the NHSR to be effective in its role, it requires both the details of the operation you have had and very limited personal details about you. It means that the NHSR is able to link you to the surgical procedure you had as well as linking you to any future surgery or treatment you might need. It also allows you to be contacted for follow up. The information stored about is not directly identifiable to you, it will only every be used for the purpose of this registry and never be shared with any other organisation or used for any form of marketing unless you have consented to participate in the GOLF study.

Giving your consent is voluntary and you should be asked by your surgeon if you would like to give your consent. At the same time, you will be shown an NSHR patient consent form. Declining your consent will not affect the care you receive in anyway and even if you agree now, you can withdraw your consent to all or some of your medical details being held on the NHSR at any time in the future by contacting us, or NHSR, Care of Riviera Surgery LLP, Westbury Hill, Bristol, Avon BS9 3QA.

Your feedback will give surgeons in the UK valuable information to improve the quality of care they provide.